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In Query data you have learned to use the @topic directive to query data. This section explains how to get real-time updates of your data.

Extending the schema

Like the Query type, the Subscription type works as an entry point for GraphQL. To create a new subscription, you follow the same approach as with adding a new query: You add a field to the corresponding type. In the example schema, this can look like this:

type Query {
    findPurchase(purchaseId: String): Purchase @topic(name: "purchase", keyArgument: "purchaseId")
    allPurchases: [Purchase!] @topic(name: "purchase")

type Subscription {
  purchases: Purchase @topic(name: "purchase")

type Purchase {
    purchaseId: String!
    productId: Int!
    userId: Int!
    product: Product @topic(name: "product", keyField: "productId")
    amount: Int
    price: Price

type Product {
    productId: Int!
    name: String
    description: String
    price: Price

type Price {
    total: Float
    currency: String

Don't forget to re-apply the schema to update Quick:

quick gateway apply example -f schema.gql

Compared to the latest version of the schema, this schema now has a new type, Subscription. The field purchases creates a new subscription. Whenever Quick receives a new element in the purchase topic, it emits an event.

Note, however, that compared to the query fields, the field neither takes a key argument nor returns a list of purchases. This is because the stream contains purchases with any key, but only one at a time. It's also possible to include a key argument in a subscription. Quick then filters the stream, and you only receive updates for the given key.

Altair Setup

The gql-cli doesn't support authentication for subscriptions. We, therefore, recommend using Altair. After you have installed it, you need to set it up. Note that Altair doesn't have access to the variables; therefore, you must replace them with the appropriate values.

  1. In the field Enter URL, enter $QUICK_URL/gateway/example/graphql
  2. In the left menu, click on "Set Headers" and add a new header with key X-API-Key and the value of $QUICK_API_KEY
  3. In the left menu, click on "Subscription URL"
    1. Set the URL to ws://$QUICK_HOST/gateway/example/graphql-ws. Note that the URL uses ws as protocol and has -ws suffix.
    2. Set the connection parameters (where $QUICK_API_KEY is your key)
        "X-API-Key": "$QUICK_API_KEY"

Running the subscription

To subscribe to the purchase events, you can run the following query in Altair:

subscription {
  purchases {
    product {
    price {

You can press the Run subscription button to start the subscription.

You can now ingest new data into the purchase topic and will receive them in your subscription. You can test this by using the purchases.json from the ingest data section. For example, ingest the following purchase:

    "key": "aj",
    "value": {
      "purchaseId": "aj",
      "productId": 123,
      "userId": 2,
      "amount": 2,
      "price": {
        "total": 29.99,
        "currency": "DOLLAR"

 curl --request POST --url "$QUICK_URL/ingest/purchase" \
  --header "content-type:application/json" \
  --header "X-API-Key:$QUICK_API_KEY"\
  --data "@./subscription-purchase.json"

The subscription should emit the following event:

  "data": {
    "purchases": {
      "product": {
        "name": "T-Shirt",
        "description": "black"
      "amount": 2,
      "price": {
        "total": 29.99,
        "currency": "DOLLAR"
Again, you can see that Quick automatically extends the data with the product information.