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GraphQL support

This section provides information about the supported and unsupported GraphQL types in Quick. Furthermore, it describes the GraphQL extensions that are introduced in Quick.

GraphQL supported types

Currently, Quick supports the following GraphQL types:

  1. The mandatory Query type,
  2. The optional Mutation type and the corresponding Input type,
  3. Basic Types with field declarations as well as type modifiers, for example: type Character { name:String!, appearsIn: [Episode!] },
  4. All scalar types: Int, String, Float, Boolean, ID together with field's arguments, for example: total(moreThan: Int = 50): Float,
  5. Enumerations (enum),
  6. Subscriptions (subscription).

Thus, the following types are not supported:

  1. Interfaces (interface),
  2. Unions (union),
  3. Custom scalars, for example: scalar MyCustomScalar.

GraphQL extensions



enum RestDirectiveMethod {



directive @topic(
    name: String!, # Name of the topic.
    keyArgument: String, # The argument which contains the key. This also supports arguments from parents.
    keyField: String # The field which contains the key. This can be used when the key is part of a different mirror.


directive @rest(
    url: String! # url of the rest service
    pathParameter: [String!] # list of the arguments that should be included in the list
    queryParameter: [String!] # list of arguments that should be included as query parameter in the form of `argumentName=value`
    bodyParameter: String # argument which represents a body. This cannot be a scalar
    httpMethod: RestDirectiveMethod = GET #  The HTTP method used when calling the rest service