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Teardown resources

KPOps teardown commands

  • destroy: Removes Kubernetes resources.
  • reset: Runs destroy, resets the states of Kafka Streams apps and resets offsets to zero.
  • clean: Runs reset and removes all Kafka resources.

KPOps-deployed pipeline

The kpops CLI can be used to destroy a pipeline that was previously deployed with KPOps. In case that doesn't work, the pipeline can always be taken down manually with helm (see section Infrastructure).

  1. Export environment variables.

    export DOCKER_REGISTRY=bakdata && \
    export NAMESPACE=kpops
  2. Navigate to the examples folder. Replace the <name-of-the-example-directory> with the example you want to tear down. For example the atm-fraud-detection.

  3. Remove the pipeline

    # Uncomment 1 line to either destroy, reset or clean.
    # kpops destroy <name-of-the-example-directory>/pipeline.yaml \
    # kpops reset <name-of-the-example-directory>/pipeline.yaml \
    # kpops clean <name-of-the-example-directory>/pipeline.yaml \
    --config <name-of-the-example-directory>/config.yaml \


Delete namespace:

kubectl delete namespace kpops


In case kpops destroy is not working one can uninstall the pipeline services one by one. This is equivalent to running kpops destroy. In case a clean uninstall (like the one kpops clean does) is needed, one needs to also delete the topics and schemas created by deployment of the pipeline.

Local cluster

Delete local cluster:

k3d cluster delete kpops

Local image registry

Delete local registry:

k3d registry delete k3d-kpops-registry.localhost