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# Kubernetes app managed through Helm with an associated Helm chart
# Parent of: KafkaApp
# Child of: KubernetesApp
  # `app` contains application-specific settings, hence it does not have a rigid
  # structure. The fields below are just an example.
  app: # required
    image: exampleImage # Example
    debug: false # Example
    commandLine: {} # Example
  # Helm repository configuration (optional)
  # If not set the helm repo add will not be called. Useful when using local Helm charts
    repository_name: bakdata-streams-bootstrap # required
    url: # required
      username: user
      password: pass
      ca_file: /home/user/path/to/ca-file
      insecure_skip_tls_verify: false
# Base component for Kafka-based components.
# Parent of: ProducerApp, StreamsApp
# Child of: KubernetesApp
  # Pipeline prefix that will prefix every component name. If you wish to not
  # have any prefix you can specify an empty string.
  prefix: ${}-
  from: # Must not be null
    topics: # read from topic
        type: input # Implied when role is NOT specified
        role: topic-role # Implies `type` to be extra
        type: pattern # Implied to be an input pattern if `role` is undefined
        type: pattern # Implied to be an extra pattern if `role` is defined
        role: some-role
    components: # read from specific component
        type: output # Implied when role is NOT specified
        role: some-role # Implies `type` to be extra
        type: pattern # Implied to be an input pattern if `role` is undefined
        type: pattern # Implied to be an extra pattern if `role` is defined
        role: some-role
  # Topic(s) into which the component will write output
        type: output # Implied when role is NOT specified
        role: topic-role # Implies `type` to be extra; Will throw an error if `type` is defined
        type: error
        # Currently KPOps supports Avro and JSON schemas.
        key_schema: key-schema # must implement SchemaProvider to use
        value_schema: value-schema
        partitions_count: 1
        replication_factor: 1
        configs: #
          cleanup.policy: compact
    models: # SchemaProvider is initiated with the values given here
      model: model
  # `app` can contain application-specific settings, hence  the user is free to
  # add the key-value pairs they need.
  app: # required
    streams: # required
      brokers: ${config.kafka_brokers} # required
      schemaRegistryUrl: ${config.schema_registry.url}
    nameOverride: override-with-this-name # kafka-app-specific
    imageTag: "1.0.0" # Example values that are shared between streams-app and producer-app
# Kafka connector
# Parent of: KafkaSinkConnector, KafkaSourceConnector
# Child of: PipelineComponent
  # Pipeline prefix that will prefix every component name. If you wish to not
  # have any prefix you can specify an empty string.
  prefix: ${}-
  from: # Must not be null
    topics: # read from topic
        type: input # Implied when role is NOT specified
        role: topic-role # Implies `type` to be extra
        type: pattern # Implied to be an input pattern if `role` is undefined
        type: pattern # Implied to be an extra pattern if `role` is defined
        role: some-role
    components: # read from specific component
        type: output # Implied when role is NOT specified
        role: some-role # Implies `type` to be extra
        type: pattern # Implied to be an input pattern if `role` is undefined
        type: pattern # Implied to be an extra pattern if `role` is defined
        role: some-role
  # Topic(s) into which the component will write output
        type: output # Implied when role is NOT specified
        role: topic-role # Implies `type` to be extra; Will throw an error if `type` is defined
        type: error
        # Currently KPOps supports Avro and JSON schemas.
        key_schema: key-schema # must implement SchemaProvider to use
        value_schema: value-schema
        partitions_count: 1
        replication_factor: 1
        configs: #
          cleanup.policy: compact
    models: # SchemaProvider is initiated with the values given here
      model: model
  # `app` contains application-specific settings, hence it does not have a rigid
  # structure. The fields below are just an example. Extensive documentation on
  # connectors:
  app: # required
    tasks.max: 1
  # Overriding Kafka Connect Resetter Helm values. E.g. to override the
  # Image Tag etc.
    imageTag: "1.2.3"
# Kafka sink connector
# Child of: KafkaConnector
  # No settings differ from `kafka-connector`
# Kafka source connector
# Child of: KafkaConnector
  # The source connector has no `from` section
  # from:
  offset_topic: offset_topic
# Base Kubernetes App
# Parent of: HelmApp
# Child of: PipelineComponent
  # Pipeline prefix that will prefix every component name. If you wish to not
  # have any prefix you can specify an empty string.
  prefix: ${}-
  from: # Must not be null
    topics: # read from topic
        type: input # Implied when role is NOT specified
        role: topic-role # Implies `type` to be extra
        type: pattern # Implied to be an input pattern if `role` is undefined
        type: pattern # Implied to be an extra pattern if `role` is defined
        role: some-role
    components: # read from specific component
        type: output # Implied when role is NOT specified
        role: some-role # Implies `type` to be extra
        type: pattern # Implied to be an input pattern if `role` is undefined
        type: pattern # Implied to be an extra pattern if `role` is defined
        role: some-role
  # Topic(s) into which the component will write output
        type: output # Implied when role is NOT specified
        role: topic-role # Implies `type` to be extra; Will throw an error if `type` is defined
        type: error
        # Currently KPOps supports Avro and JSON schemas.
        key_schema: key-schema # must implement SchemaProvider to use
        value_schema: value-schema
        partitions_count: 1
        replication_factor: 1
        configs: #
          cleanup.policy: compact
    models: # SchemaProvider is initiated with the values given here
      model: model
  namespace: namespace # required
  # `app` contains application-specific settings, hence it does not have a rigid
  # structure. The fields below are just an example.
  app: # required
    image: exampleImage # Example
    debug: false # Example
    commandLine: {} # Example
# Holds configuration to use as values for the streams bootstrap producer-app Helm
# chart.
# Child of: KafkaApp
# More documentation on ProducerApp:
  # from: # While the producer-app does inherit from kafka-app, it does not need a
  # `from` section, hence it does not support it.
  # Allowed configs:
  app: # required
    streams: # required, producer-app-specific
      brokers: ${config.kafka_brokers} # required
      schemaRegistryUrl: ${config.schema_registry.url}
      outputTopic: output_topic
        output_role1: output_topic1
        output_role2: output_topic2
    nameOverride: override-with-this-name # kafka-app-specific
# StreamsApp component that configures a streams bootstrap app.
# Child of: KafkaApp
# More documentation on StreamsApp:
  # No arbitrary keys are allowed under `app`here
  # Allowed configs:
  app: # required
    # Streams Bootstrap streams section
    streams: # required, streams-app-specific
      brokers: ${config.kafka_brokers} # required
      schemaRegistryUrl: ${config.schema_registry.url}
        - topic1
        - topic2
      outputTopic: output-topic
      inputPattern: input-pattern
          - input_topic1
          - input_topic2
          - input_topic3
          - input_topic4
        pattern_role1: input_pattern1
        output_role1: output_topic1
        output_role2: output_topic2
      errorTopic: error-topic
        my.streams.config: my.value
    nameOverride: override-with-this-name # streams-app-specific
    autoscaling: # streams-app-specific
      consumerGroup: consumer-group # required
      lagThreshold: 0 # Average target value to trigger scaling actions.
      enabled: false # Whether to enable auto-scaling using KEDA.
      # This is the interval to check each trigger on.
      pollingInterval: 30
      # The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling
      #  the resource back to 0.
      cooldownPeriod: 300
      # The offset reset policy for the consumer if the the consumer group is
      # not yet subscribed to a partition.
      offsetResetPolicy: earliest
      # This setting is passed to the HPA definition that KEDA will create for a
      # given resource and holds the maximum number of replicas of the target resouce.
      maxReplicas: 1
      # Minimum number of replicas KEDA will scale the resource down to.
      minReplicas: 0
      # If this property is set, KEDA will scale the resource down to this
      # number of replicas.
      idleReplicas: 0
      topics: # List of auto-generated Kafka Streams topics used by the streams app.
        - topic1
        - topic2