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Environment variables

Environment variables can be set by using the export command in Linux or the set command in Windows.

dotenv files

Support for .env files is on the roadmap, but not implemented in KPOps yet. One of the possible ways to still use one and export the contents manually is with the following command: export $(xargs < .env). This would work in bash suppose there are no spaces inside the values.


These variables are a lower priority alternative to the settings in config.yaml. Variables marked as required can instead be set in the pipeline config.

Name Default Value Required Description Setting name
KPOPS_ENVIRONMENT True The environment you want to generate and deploy the pipeline to. Suffix your environment files with this value (e.g. defaults_development.yaml for environment=development). environment
KPOPS_KAFKA_BROKERS True The comma separated Kafka brokers address. brokers
KPOPS_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL False Address of the Schema Registry. schema_registry_url
KPOPS_REST_PROXY_HOST False Address of the Kafka REST Proxy. kafka_rest_host
KPOPS_CONNECT_HOST False Address of Kafka Connect. kafka_connect_host
KPOPS_TIMEOUT 300 False The timeout in seconds that specifies when actions like deletion or deploy timeout. timeout
KPOPS_RETAIN_CLEAN_JOBS False False Whether to retain clean up jobs in the cluster or uninstall the, after completion. retain_clean_jobs
Exhaustive list of all config-related environment variables
# Pipeline config environment variables
# The default setup is shown. These variables are a lower priority
# alternative to the settings in `config.yaml`. Variables marked as
# required can instead be set in the pipeline config.
# environment
# The environment you want to generate and deploy the pipeline to.
# Suffix your environment files with this value (e.g.
# defaults_development.yaml for environment=development).
KPOPS_ENVIRONMENT # No default value, required
# brokers
# The comma separated Kafka brokers address.
KPOPS_KAFKA_BROKERS # No default value, required
# schema_registry_url
# Address of the Schema Registry.
KPOPS_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL # No default value, not required
# kafka_rest_host
# Address of the Kafka REST Proxy.
KPOPS_REST_PROXY_HOST # No default value, not required
# kafka_connect_host
# Address of Kafka Connect.
KPOPS_CONNECT_HOST # No default value, not required
# timeout
# The timeout in seconds that specifies when actions like deletion or
# deploy timeout.
# retain_clean_jobs
# Whether to retain clean up jobs in the cluster or uninstall the,
# after completion.


These variables are a lower priority alternative to the commands' flags. If a variable is set, the corresponding flag does not have to be specified in commands. Variables marked as required can instead be set as flags.

Name Default Value Required Description
KPOPS_PIPELINE_BASE_DIR . False Base directory to the pipelines (default is current working directory)
KPOPS_CONFIG_PATH config.yaml False Path to the config.yaml file
KPOPS_DEFAULT_PATH False Path to defaults folder
KPOPS_PIPELINE_PATH True Path to YAML with pipeline definition
KPOPS_PIPELINE_STEPS False Comma separated list of steps to apply the command on
Exhaustive list of all cli-related environment variables
# CLI Environment variables
# The default setup is shown. These variables are a lower priority
# alternative to the commands' flags. If a variable is set, the
# corresponding flag does not have to be specified in commands.
# Variables marked as required can instead be set as flags.
# Base directory to the pipelines (default is current working
# directory)
# Path to the config.yaml file
# Path to defaults folder
KPOPS_DEFAULT_PATH # No default value, not required
# Path to YAML with pipeline definition
KPOPS_PIPELINE_PATH # No default value, required
# Comma separated list of steps to apply the command on
KPOPS_PIPELINE_STEPS # No default value, not required