Package com.bakdata.dedupe.fusion
Provides means to reconcile a duplicate cluster into a consistent representation.
Interface Summary Interface Description ConflictResolution<I,O> Solves a conflict during resolution - two or more different values that need to be merged into a single value for the fused representation.Fusion<T> Fuses a cluster of duplicates to one representation.IncompleteFusionHandler<T> A callback that allows incomplete fusions to be treated either with direct repair algorithms or through side-channel means (a.k.a ignore for now and repair asynchronously with the help of domain experts).TerminalConflictResolution<I,O> A conflict resolution function that is guaranteed to produce a single value. -
Class Summary Class Description AnnotatedValue<T> A value with lineage information; in particular, theSource
and the timestamp.CommonConflictResolutions Provides factory methods for common conflict resolutions.ConflictResolutionFusion<R> A fusion approach based on conflict resolution.ConflictResolutionFusion.ConflictResolutionFusionBuilder<R> FusedValue<T> A fused value with contextual information.FusionContext A fusion context captures exceptions in anExceptionContext
during resolution and provides additional context values.FusionContext.FusionContextBuilder Merge<R> A nested conflict resolution for complex types.Merge.AdditionalFieldMergeBuilder<F,R> Merge.FieldMergeBuilder<F,R> Merge.IllTypedFieldMergeBuilder<I,F,R> Merge.MergeBuilder<R> ResolutionTag<T> A resolution tag is a way to refer to a previously, resolved value in the currentFusionContext
.Source The source of a value to be fused. -
Exception Summary Exception Description FusionException An exception thrown by aConflictResolution
whenever an exception during fusion occurs.